Podcast Episode 7

The Evolution and Impact of AI Assistants

Ivan Turatti, founder of OPENIDEA.biz, shares his 20-year entrepreneurial journey and expertise in communication empowerment with AI. In this episode, Ivan emphasizes the need for a solid foundation before integrating AI into businesses. He delves into the challenges of bridging the gap between AI adoption and effective utilization, emphasizing the unique dynamics between human founders and AI.

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Ryan: Welcome, everyone, to the AiFounders podcast show. Our podcast is dedicated to celebrating the remarkable accomplishments of AI innovators, entrepreneurs, and visionary founders and the captivating stories behind the movements they’ve built. I’m your host, Ryan Davies, and I have the honor of hosting today’s episode, which is about the evolution and impact of AI assistance with our special guest, Ivan Turatti. Thanks so much for joining.

Ivan: Thank you, Ryan. It’s a pleasure being here.

Ryan: So, a little bit about Ivan Turatti. He is the founder of OPENIDEA.biz, an experienced communication empowerment and branding specialist, making him a great fit for our topic today. He uses both human and artificial intelligence to empower purpose-driven founders in creating impactful communication strategies. With over 20 years of experience, his work involves the development of the OPEN IDEA framework, enabling businesses to control their brand’s unique community and reach their target audience. He’s also the author and creator of Yoca AI, dedicated to helping businesses establish a strong brand identity and meaningful communication strategies, incorporating AI into the mix. What a perfect topic for our listeners here today. 

Ivan: I started working in the communication field during high school, creating websites and graphic content. During university, where I studied communication sciences and sociology, I realized the challenges small businesses and founders faced in communication. This realization led to the creation of the OPEN IDEA framework during my first internship. I was tasked with establishing a communication office for a small business with minimal resources, inspiring the development of the framework. Seeing the need for accessible solutions, I began thinking about integrating AI, giving rise to Yoca around 2015. However, the technology was less advanced then. With recent advancements, particularly from OpenAI, I could finally implement AI into the framework, and things have been exciting, as they have been for everyone in the AI business.

Ryan: Yeah, it’s been quite rapid, you know, the floodgates opened, and more tools and information became readily available. What was that journey like for you as an AI founder with this sudden surge of possibilities? Where did it take you in the next stage of your business development?

Challenges in Bridging Human and AI Interaction

Ivan: It felt like now I can truly do what I’ve always wanted to do. Previously, it was like Netflix starting with mailing DVDs, but now, it’s like the streaming service finally arriving. This shift allowed us to provide people with what they truly need. Regarding AI assistance, the evolution has been substantial. Large corporations, medium enterprises, and even small businesses are jumping in. However, there needs to be a gap between using AI and using it effectively for business growth. Many businesses start using AI but need help to leverage it properly, leading to the emergence of new experts. The challenge lies in bridging this gap, especially for small and medium businesses needing more time to delve into the complexities of AI implementation.

Ryan: That totally makes sense. Bridging the gap is crucial. How are you helping businesses navigate this transition to AI, especially those who may initially see it as a shiny new toy without understanding its full potential?

Ivan: Bridging the gap is indeed challenging, especially for small and medium businesses that may need help to grasp the intricacies of AI implementation. Many businesses start using AI but find it challenging to make it work for them in the right way. This creates a significant gap in the market, and addressing this challenge is a key focus for me.

Ryan: It’s a common scenario. People see AI in action, like on a banking website, and want to implement it without understanding the complexities. In my experience with conversational AI, businesses often face hurdles in grasping the intricacies of intents, conversation flow, and outcomes. How do you guide businesses through this foundation-building process for successful AI integration?

The Role of AI in Business

Ivan: Exactly. Businesses often underestimate the complexities involved in effective AI implementation. When businesses approach me for their AI evolution, whether customer-facing or internal, I emphasize the need for a solid foundation. I guide them through the necessary steps, ensuring they understand the intricacies involved in making AI work for them. It’s about more than just having a shiny new toy; it’s about building a foundation that aligns with their goals and enables them to leverage AI effectively. For me, AI is currently a crucial tool, an essential one, but just a tool at the moment. The real work lies in what we do before introducing AI to businesses—helping them build their foundation. It’s akin to welcoming a new team member; they need training, understanding of the business’s purpose, goals, users, competitors, and all the fundamental communication aspects. Businesspeople, whether men or women, have to go through the process of studying the market, mapping the network, defining identity, creating a social and visual identity, and devising engagement and advertising plans. Typically, businesses have two options: hiring a communication manager or engaging an agency. However, both approaches often result in standardized solutions.

Here’s where OPENIDEA.biz differentiates itself. Our process involves a set of canvases and questions that guide businesses in detailing all the essential information. This information then serves as clear directions for graphic designers, social media managers, and, importantly, AI. By feeding AI with this comprehensive set of information, businesses ensure that their AI aligns with their goals and brand identity. It’s a departure from the traditional approach of simply introducing AI to a business without a well-defined foundation.

Ryan: I love that perspective because, as you mentioned, AI is not an out-of-the-box solution; it requires a solid foundation. It’s not just about having a conversational-style solution but about creating an extension of your brand. Yoca plays a significant role in this by providing businesses with a Power Book and guiding them through a process that aligns AI with their unique brand voice, communication style, and business goals. It’s not only about getting results but ensuring that those results resonate with the purpose and energy of the business.

Brand Framework and AI Extension

Ivan: Absolutely. When someone subscribes to OPENIDEA.biz, we conduct an assessment to understand where they are and what they need to work on. The Power Book is then provided, allowing businesses to work independently or collaboratively with us. The Power Book is where the magic happens, as it guides founders through a series of questions that uncover their purpose and unleash a different energy in their business. This foundational work is crucial before introducing AI. With the information from the Power Book, businesses can then have meaningful conversations with AI, asking specific questions and receiving tailored assistance.

Ryan: It’s not just about results; it’s about aligning with purpose. You mentioned that there are different kinds of founders—those focused on making money and those driven by a deeper purpose. For purpose-driven founders, democratizing AI opens up new possibilities, but they need to learn how to integrate AI with their purpose. This understanding of the unique dynamics between human founders and AI becomes a key aspect of bridging the gap.

Ivan: Exactly. Understanding the different types of founders and their motivations is essential. For those focused on making money, quick and standardized results might be sufficient. However, purpose-driven founders seek something more tailored and aligned with their unique purpose and energy. AI democratization allows them to leverage technology, but the challenge lies in helping them navigate the relationship between their purpose and AI.

Ryan: Your expertise in brand identity and building a brand framework adds another layer to this integration. The Power Book and the process at OPENIDEA.biz focus on understanding a business’s unique brand voice, communication style, and purpose. This not only provides businesses with a conversational-style solution but also ensures that AI becomes an extension of their brand. It’s about more than just having a chatbot; it’s about creating a personalized and purposeful experience.

Ivan: Absolutely. When businesses subscribe to OPENIDEA.biz, the assessment and Power Book process allows them to work on building their unique brand identity. The Power Book guides them through questions that uncover their purpose and energy, transforming the way they approach their business. This foundational work not only sets the stage for effective AI integration but also boosts confidence and streamlines communication. With AI like Yoca, businesses can seamlessly have conversations, receive assistance, and align their AI interactions with their brand identity and goals.

Ryan: It’s not just about technology; it’s about leveraging technology to enhance and align with the human aspects of business. Looking ahead, where do you see this roadmap going? As businesses continue to innovate and maximize the potential of tools like Yoca and OPENIDEA.biz, what’s the next stage of evolution in this space?

Future of AI and Innovations

Ivan: It’s challenging, to be precise, but from what I can see, we are currently in the generative AI era. It’s a partial-blown AI; there’s work to be done. The next thing happening for innovators is AI engaging in full processes, not just providing answers or images. We see a rise in AI agents that can perform tasks like opening a business. In communication, Yoca might evolve from a chat to handling tasks like creating advertising campaigns. I’m developing Yoca as a dream project, but our services are independent of Yoca-dependent. We provide tools for any AI assistant. Users can transition easily to new AIs, maintaining their communication foundations. The freedom to thrive in the AI world is crucial.

AI Independence and Adaptability

Ryan: Incredibly important; there’s stickiness, but users gain the ability to expand and provide more value. The idea is for AI to offer points, with human verification and ensuring it aligns. While we’ll still need humans for some years, society will evolve, as seen with past technologies. New jobs will emerge, and the human role may become less hands-on but more focused on high-level correction. Regulations, like those discussed at the AI summit, are crucial to address safety and prevent AI from disrupting societies.

Thank you so much, Ivan.Until next time, this is Ryan Davies signing off. Stay curious, take care.

About Our Host and Guest

Director of Marketing – Ekwa.Tech & Ekwa Marketing
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Founder of OPENIDEA.biz
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“It’s not just about technology; it’s about leveraging technology to enhance and align with the human aspects of business.”

– Ivan Turatti –